Artist Experiences: Angel-Rose Oedit Doebé

Applications for This Art Fair 2025 are now open! All professional artists are welcome to participate: from recent graduates looking for exposure to experienced and established artists excited to exhibit new work. Deadline: Sunday, 9 February.

You can find the application forms for individual artists here or duo artists here. Would you like to know more first? This blog post answers all your questions. To further motivate you, we talked to Angel-Rose Oedit Doebé, who presented a multimedia installation in her booth at This Art Fair 2022, about her experiences.

A diverse group of creators

“What I like about this fair is that it shows a diverse group of creators. It is a great moment to see a broader spectrum of artists, very varied in terms of media and subjects, from artists who are just starting out to ones who have been doing this for much longer. The fair is also very accessible to visitors. The threshold is lowered for people who may not yet understand art that well and want to learn, but at the same time it is also for art lovers.”

What did your participation in This Art Fair bring you? “Yes, I was able to sell work. But more important for me was that I was able to show my work in the environment where I grew up. I come from Amsterdam-Noord and my work is about how I grew up in certain environments and certain milieus and how that shaped me. For me, as someone who comes from the IJ-plein, it was a great moment to be at This Art Fair in the Kromhouthal. To this day, there are people I meet who ask: is it true that I saw your work at This Art Fair in Amsterdam-Noord?”

“I had just graduated from the HKU a year before. It was great to get in touch with other creators; to get to know new people from the community of artists. Friendships also developed from this. Thanks to my presentation at the fair, I also had several bookings, such as for UNFAIR.”

Enter into dialogue through my installation

“I was very excited to present my own work at This Art Fair, because my work stands out quite a bit. It is quite a statement. But, it was also a great opportunity to enter into dialogue about certain issues in society through my installation.”

How do you think you were prepared for and assisted with your participation? “I think that This Art Fair is quite concrete in their communication and that is very nice. It is a very open and warm team, they think along with you and if you have questions, they are simply taken very seriously, whether you are a new artist or have been established for a while. I had only been doing this for a year, but I felt heard and appreciated.”

Will we see you at This 2025? “I would like to come back as a visitor this year. I’m curious where the artists I participated with in 2022 are now, it could be a small reunion.”

Get to know many fellow artists, collectors and clients and apply now for This Art Fair 2025!
