Anne Vincent Dijkstra

Hardest of all Worlds
oil on canvas
100 x 100 cm

Anne Vincent Dijkstra creates paintings using gradations of a single colour: Prussian blue (plus titanium white). With these gradations, he produces tones ranging from deep dark blue to almost white. This self-imposed restriction is aimed at the coherence of the multitude of different shapes within the painting. It is also meant to give the work a less anecdotal and a more monumental character.

Within this limitation of colour, Anne Vincent Dijkstra paints a profusion of spots that take the shape of collapsed houses, ruins, aircraft wrecks, and x-rays. Dijkstra does not focus on the human drama but on the shapes and sceneries that have emerged from these dreadful events; he tries to find hidden beauty in it, like in a landscape.
Hardest of all Worlds
oil on canvas
100 x 100 cm