Should I rant here? Should I write some boring art speak MFA mumbo jumbo to convince someone my work is worthwhile? The “meaning” of my “art” changes, it’s not like I can just say “oh it’s about this” because I don’t know, and no artist should. Should I say “oh my art is a juxtaposition of X and Y”? Should I lie, like every artist? I want to rant here, I want to complain about the state, the art world, my disdain for authority, my hate for the status quo, but 200 words surely is not enough. What’s the meat, what’s the core of all this? WHAT INFO DO YOU DESIRE? My name? DOB? Where I’m from? The grandiose esoteric depth of my work? I’ll try but this is all so formal really, so I will do it briefly. What a facade huh? Dakota Havard. August 24 1995. Alabama. Anarchism. Drinking cold beers. Jesus. Chilling. LSD. Art. Fart. Paradox. Quantum entanglement. Art sucking. Nothingness. Noise. God. Lust. Internet sucks. Internet cool. Ted Kaczynski. Killing politicians. You know, I like this better, actually. I think this gives a better idea of me and my work than trying to sound smart does. Peace out.