I am interested in the paradox in human behaviour while trying to find happiness. By setting ambitious goals, people spark energy and passion while at the same time heading for imminent failure and frustration. In my art I look for subjects that can serve as a metaphor for this human struggle. By showing these subjects in highly detailed, typology-like series, I want them to start telling this story and go beyond the visible by showing nothing more than the visible.
Photography for me is about showing reality in an objective and neutral way and letting the viewer decide where to look and what to see. By taking a picture, I’m forcing people to look closer. Every subject can be made into an interesting picture. The mere fact that a photograph is taken makes the subject interesting and asks for a closer inspection.
At This Art Fair I will be presenting different projects dealing with public benches. For me they stand for the possibility to escape fate and make a conscious decision. Do we keep going? Or do we sit down and let life just pass by?