Jolanda Jansen

Paper Study #20_ Breathing Landscape

Paper Study #27_ encounter with traces

Thursday 26/08: 16:00 – 19:00 hrs


In my performance series Paper Study #, since 2015, this basic material paper gives me the opportunity to put the formal material in contrast with the intuitive body. In this way I create poetic, surreal, and sometimes disturbing images. Paper doesn’t interest me because of what it is, but more of what it is not. Some say paper is a blank sheet, something that could become something new, or even a new beginning. It can be strong and fragile like a feather. It has the promise of meaning. I prefer to bring it back to its basic nature, to use it as a natural material, something that was alive, like coming from the wood of a majestic tree.

For This Art Fair I will do a meditative walking performance. How much freedom do we still have within regulations? Does this make us more creative? Do we surrender or are we flexible? Within little gestures I will look for answers to these questions.
Paper Study #20_ Breathing Landscape