Ronald Boom

1921 (Appelmoes groot)
Oil & acrylics on canvas
90 x 110 cm
1922 (Erwtensoep)
Oil & acrylics on canvas
50 x 60 cm
1927 (raketijsje)
Oil & acrylics on canvas
80 x 160 cm
1928 (vruchtenhagel)
Oil & acrylics on canvas
90 x 110 cm

The world is filled with many opposing views, differences that converge through people, ideas and imagery. I enjoy exploring this space through the language of painting, where visual differences can come together on the canvas, creating a space that is open, non-coercive, inviting to discoveries and welcoming to incomplete illustration and disruptive figurations.

The series i made for This Art Fair deals with food imagery, candy, canned food, sodas, ice cream and other things that I don’t really consume anymore. The shapes, colors or packaging of food products often refer to the natural product it wants us to believe it contains. This, for me, illustrates the fact that most things we see around us are often echoes of echoes which refer to a basis that is no longer real.

What is real doesn’t need consensus in painting, the information is simply there in the observer. The food products play with it, like the painting does. The works are layered, tempting, gestural, playful, or packaged containing details in transitions, language swipes and meaning. Layers are applied on top of each other, never knowing what the end result will be.

Creating these visual surfaces goes against a rational form of ordered logic. It breaks shared perceived meanings and embraces a form of ‘illogical painterly logic.’
1921 (Appelmoes groot)
Oil & acrylics on canvas
90 x 110 cm
1922 (Erwtensoep)
Oil & acrylics on canvas
50 x 60 cm
1927 (raketijsje)
Oil & acrylics on canvas
80 x 160 cm
1928 (vruchtenhagel)
Oil & acrylics on canvas
90 x 110 cm