I feel that the world desperately needs more abstraction. Making art is a way for me to materialize this desire. My work explores the relationships of structure and control – mixed with a sense of randomness that sometimes reacts against both. I work in various mediums, currently predominantly with collage and painting. These “collage paintings” exist between a state of formal minimalism and poetic openness. I think of it as a ballet: simple and disciplined at first glance with underlying layers of complexity discovered after a closer look.
I wish we would allow for more abstraction in our daily lives. Not only in art but as a way of looking at life around us. Allowing the eyes to gaze on abstract works for a little longer than usual allows the meaning of the work to open itself up in new ways. It encourages you to reject quick definitions and instead welcome the complexities that are inherently a part of life, while accepting the possibility that many truths may exist at the same time.
Whether organizing exhibitions for other artists or crafting my own artwork, I want to encourage that way of looking. Art can help us away from our addiction to being constantly distracted, and inspire us to look at a slower pace and perhaps reflect on a deeper level.