Imagine, I am a collage of moments from ‘here and now’, but then I am also ‘tomorrow and there’ as well as ‘back then and there’. So, in a way I exist in multiple timelines and spaces, or rather, they all exist simultaneously within me. I am curious about these bridges that appear within us – nostalgia being one of them.
There are triggers that evoke this traveller experience, and I am definitely on the hunt for them. The installation is a construction site of childhood games, of memories, of anticipation, of helplessness. Is it a simulation? Some things reach a point of becoming artefacts. Do you remember the sound of Legos in a plastic box? The moment, sitting on the parquet floor, frantically searching for the right piece to finish your dream house. This noise suddenly manifests as a catalyst and the means of transportation.
Perhaps nostalgia tells more about the inevitability of time, than about the past itself. My practice is an exploration of that experience. Trying to make sense of things: the passage of time, the value of memory, and their relation to space. From audio, video, image and sculpture, my work falls some place in between.
Urša Prek (1993, Slovenia; based in Eindhoven, NL)