A few days ago we exhibited our collection of ‘befriend’ artworks during the opening of the Beurs van Berlage’s beautiful new entrance. And success – we’ve made six new ‘friends’. A great start to this fundraising project. In the lead up to the big event we are happy to make a few more ‘friends’.
Why, you ask?
By Befriending us you support the artist and the art fair directly. You will receive an invitation to This Art Fair’s preview. And you will become the proud owner of a ‘one of a kind’ creative work or limited prints from the exclusive Befriend This collection. Why not opt for one of Serge Steijn’s stunning photographs from Buenos Aires. Or the sensual self-portraits of Lique Schoot? Or that stunning drawing by Cathelijn van Goor. The options are plenty…
As This Art Fair draws closer- we look to you to create opportunities to fill your walls and celebrate local arts. Artworks can be viewed online and befriending us is simple.
Transfer € 250,- to IBAN NL25 INGB 0004012654 of Art in Redlight Foundation, stating This Friend 2015 and the name of the artist of your choice. Also send us your name, email and home address per mail, so we can invite you to This’ Preview.