Although my practice consists of various themes and mediums, something I feel is ever-present is the 14.784 km between my past life in Australia and my current one in The Netherlands: the gap between my two lives. Somewhere in this space, I became an artist, a poet, a filmmaker and a performer.
There is always a certain fragmentation of image during the process. I use this fragmentation to begin new compositions, they become a reflection of a life in an in-between state. The feeling of being there and not being there at the same time, meets the longing of not being.
The works I create are born out of poetry; through the practice of writing I am led to image and idea.
I create a loving space in which the “other” has room to find themselves. Without judgment and prejudice, I give people the opportunity to tell or find their stories while at the same time sharing my own.
My work is an exploration of yearning, identity, and distorted sensuality crushed under the weight of half-forgotten childhood memories.